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Stories from Alison Graduates, Course Creators, Content Assistants, Volunteers and the latest news from Alison on new features and product releases, stories from Alison HQ and much more!


Alison is a social-enterprise founded on the belief that everyone is entitled to free education, and that from education comes empowerment. Central to the realisation of our project is the support and hard work of our Publishers. Our Publishers range from institutions to individuals, but all share our commitment to high-quality learning and our belief in accessible education.

SWOT Analysis
Accounting Intuition: “If we make the principles of accounting accessible to everyone, then not only will that benefit those individuals but society as a whole.”
Theo McArthur: “Decide what you want to study and stick with it. Take action on what you’ve learned, then go and learn some more!”
Isaac Rudansky: “To know that just a few hours worth of lectures can really have an impact on somebody’s life is really rewarding.”
Robin Hills: “Publishing with Alison has meant being able to spread the message about emotional intelligence to a global audience in unique ways.”